This time last week I wrapped up Red Teaming for the South East regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (SECCDC) for 2015. The SECCDC is special for me for a few reasons. It was my first exposure to the whole CCDC arena, many of my close friends form the Red Team, and the CCDC national champs from last year are from this region.
This year's scenario was similar to last year's. The Blue Teams were responsible for maintaining the operational status of the HAL business network while completing a series of business related injects. The network layout changed a bit from last year, however. This year all the Blue Teams had a few machines that were public facing, and a group of privately networked workstations. The public facing images were comprised of a pfSense software firewall, 2 SuSe Linux boxes, and a Windows 2012 R2 server. The SuSe boxes were used for backup DNS, MySQL database, and the e-commerce web server while the Windows box was primarily performing the normal functions of Domain Controller and primary DNS.
After scanning the networks, we quickly determined that the Blue Teams were running all of their public facing services off of an ESXi server. Additional investigation revealed that the ESXi servers were version 5.5.0 and vulnerable to Heartbleed. This vulnerability became our primary attack vector. By leveraging Heartbleed, we could force the ESXi servers to leak the login credentials in clear-text whenever the Blue Teams logged in. Once gaining root access to the ESXi servers, my goal was to gain access to the domain controller. This is a little tricky when you want to go unnoticed. We were able to jump on a couple of domain controllers that Blue Teams logged into, but left the console open and unattended. The Linux boxes were much easier to compromise. Either they were logged into as root and we could change the password, add users, start SSH, lock the console, and log in remotely, or, we reboot the machine into single user mode, changed the root password, and rebooted. Finally, by leveraging a combination of default credentials and unattended console sessions, we leveraged the pfSense firewalls to lock the Blue Teams out of their networks by turning off the internal interface, but allowed us in via the external interface.
Throughout the course of the competition, the Blue Teams started to slowly kick us out of their networks. This forced us to start getting more creative with our access methods. The first area we looked at was the WordPress site running the e-commerce server. Although we couldn't take advantage of any vulnerable plugins, we could take advantage of the fact that the WordPress configuration let anyone register an account. Now, registering an account in and of itself isn't exciting, but what is exciting, is the fact that WordPress emails you your password. This is important because we had read/write access to the MySQL database backend of WordPress. In the database we could clearly see the administrator's hashed password. Now that we created our own user, we could also see our hashed password in the database. The next step was just receiving the password generated by WordPress. With the Blue Team's network configuration, the WordPress instance couldn't email out to a public email address. But what it could do, was pass the email along to a local Python SMTP server that we controlled. During the user account creation process, we simply specified our email address as 'user@<ipaddress>' rather than providing a public domain name. This worked like a charm. Now that we had a clear-text password and a corresponding WordPress password hash, we leveraged our read/write access to the MySQL database to overwrite the administrator's password hash. Now we could log into the WordPress administrator's account with a password that we knew.
Our other attack vector was actually found by digging through the pfSense source code. For a few of the teams we still had authentication access to the firewalls, but the web administration had been shutoff. It turns out that there is an XML RPC in pfSense. Like I said, we had the username and password, but couldn't turn on the web console and not all the routers had SSH enabled. So we created our own shell. Using the XML RPC and a little PHP voodoo, we pulled down a PHP shell and created our own web console. In most of the Red Team's opinion, this was one of our coolest finds of the event.
One of the largest differences I noticed this year was how a couple of Blue Teams were able to almost completely block out the Red Team. The teams that were quick to correctly configure their routers and whitelists on their ESXi servers removed the largest holes in their network, and their service scores showed it. As a Red Team we really took advantage of Heartbleed and default pfSense credentials. Without those footholds, we weren't able to really do much. Smaller attack surfaces seemed to be a trend for a few of the CCDC regional events this year. My previous blog post talked about how at the Pacific Rim regional, the Red Team really only had 2 targets, and the vulnerabilities were default credentials. This was definitely not the case for South East, but the Red Team definitely noticed a lack of attack surface. I've been talking to a lot of people about some of these observations and we all agree that we want modern systems and network configurations, but how do you open up the attack surface without making it unrealistic?
All in all, I had an absolute blast at SECCDC. I'm already looking forward to next year. I know all the organizers of the SECCDC work incredibly hard to put on this event every year. Their efforts have been noticed and I thank them for all the time and effort they put forth to make this event a reality. And congratulations to UCF for winning a second year and a row! Good luck at Nationals and bring keep the championship in the South East!!
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